Anticipatory guidance and providing access to social services is mentioned briefly, but in a piece about the prenatal care model needing to be reset, breastfeeding education should at least be mentioned. This is just my opinion but prenatal breastfeeding/parenting education should be SOC.

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@Neel: Our IBCLC founder and team have created a mobile app that provides personalized automatic lactation support on a broad scale (over 100,000 consultations answered each month automatically) and AI is in advanced development. A clinical trial research to quantify the increase in breastfeeding rates in the user population as well as how much costs it saves to the healthcare system is in progress and will be finalized later this year. It would be a pleasure to connect and talk about Maven Clinics plans to scale: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christiane-gross/

@Tara: thank you for all your fantastic help, always!

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